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Test z języka angielskiego - przygotowawczy do olimpiady

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Test opracowany na potrzeby koła języka angielskiego - przygotowanie do olimpiady

Imię i nazwisko........................................................


Nauczyciel prowadzący........................................

1. Wybierz prawidłowe

  1. Let’s go round to Duncan’s house, .......................?

a)will we b) do we c) shall we d) may we

  1. He spent the......evening studying.

b)all b) whole c) each d) every

  1. ......purse is this ? I must have picked it up by mistake.

c)What b) Which c) Who d) Whose

  1. She liked ......of the two presents I gave her.

d)either b) both c) all d) none

  1. Peter is my oldest friend – I met him a long time..... .

e)before b) until c) ago d) yet

  1. My father ......China but I haven’t.

f)has been to b) has gone in c) has been in d) has gone at

  1. He swims......a fish.

g)as b) like c) similar d) same

  1. ......of these two records do you like best ?

h)Which b) Who c) What d) Whose

  1. “I do not like ice-cream.” “ I.”

i)But b) Nor c) Either d) So

  1. Don’t forget to call Jane, ....?

j)shall you b) do you c) don’t you d) will you

  1. Hurry ! There is very ....time left.

k)little b) few c) several d) many

  1. I prefer eating at home.

l)than b) from c) to d) of

  1. .....seem to be a lot of people here today.

m)They b) There c) It d) These

2. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i odpowiedz na pytania .

Driest, Atacama Desert, Chile.

The Atacama Desert is situated on the Pacific coast of Chile. It is the driest desert in the world as it has not rained in some parts of it for 400 years ! Unlike the majority of deserts it is actually quite cold – the average annual temperature is 0-20 degrees Celsius. People who live on the edge of the desert used to wait for special lorries bringing them water. Now they have started producing their own water from the fog coming from the Pacific. People can now shower every day and water their plants. This dry weather has created a paradise for archeologists as it preserves ancient remains in very good condition, e.g. : some mummies have been found from 8000 BC. It is also a perfect natural astronomical observatory because of cloudless sky above.

  1. Where lies the desert mentioned it the text?


  1. Is the Atacama cold place ?


  1. How did they get water?


  1. Are there gardens on the desert?


  1. What kind of things is the Atacama good for ?


3. Wstaw odpowiednio a /an , the lub jeżeli nic nie powinno być wstawione .

  1. I’m going to stand for... Parliament at election.
  2. When I left .. station , I had to stand for ... taxi for ...long time.
  3. We took ..trip to London and saw ... Tower Bridge.
  4. Have you got ..latest record by ... Beatles ?
  5. We spent .....good time having....drink at ..... Robin Hood.
  6. ...Nile flows right through
  7. ....James Joyce I knew wasn’t ....novelist and wasn’t .... Irish either.
  8. She was .....first woman to cross ....Atlantic in .... Canoe.

4. Uzupełnij każde z niedokończonych zdań wykożystując podany wyraz tak, aby sens zdania pozostał ten sam. Nie zmieniaj formy wyrazu ani podanych fragmentów.

  1. I find working here really enjoyable.



  1. What’s your opinion of her painting?


What ...........................her painting ?

  1. What’s on your mind at the moment ?



  1. Neil has the bad habit of getting in people’s way.


Neil is people’s way.

  1. I’m losing my voice.


My voice.............................. .

  1. Mary and John’s wedding is n ext weekend.


Mary and John weekend.

  1. Paul is different from what he used to be.



  1. This has been my home for thirty years.


I ...........................for thirty years.

  1. Eating Chinese food is new to me.


I have...............................

  1. Is there any news ?



  1. Sue doesn’t have her dictionary with her. It’s at home.


Sue home.

  1. Tony hasn’t been to Paris before.


This .........................been to Paris.

  1. I should really be leaving.


I think leave.

  1. I’d rather have beer than wine.


I would

  1. I don’t want to go to the meeting.


I would......................... to the meeting.

5. Zapytaj o powiększoną część zdania

  1. Lucy is MY best friend.


  1. I told her that SHE SHOULD BEHAVE NICER.


  1. I’m working in HOUSE OF BEAUTY.


  1. I ORDERED my class to clean the tables.


  1. TOM is the owner of this pub.


  1. Lucy had passed her exams QUITE WELL.


  1. I always buy new books FOR MY MOTHER.


  1. Tom met him IN MEXICO.


  1. Bjorn had his first speech IN 1987.


  1. He really hates ME !


11. We know each other FOR A LONG TIME.


  1. You are ought to WRITE THIS TEST WELL!


Test 3 odpowiedzi

1 ZADANIE (13p)

  1. c
  2. b
  3. d
  4. b
  5. c
  6. a
  7. b
  8. a
  9. d
  10. d
  11. a
  12. a
  13. c

2 ZADANIE (5p)

  1. The Atacama Desert is situated on the Pacific coast of Chile.
  2. it is actually quite cold – the average annual temperature is 0-20 degrees Celsius
  3. They used to wait for special lorries bringing them water
  4. Yes there are

5. paradise for archeologists. It is also a perfect natural astronomical observatory

3 ZADANIE (20p)

  1. the / the
  2. the / a / a
  3. a / the
  4. the / the
  5. a / a / the
  6. the / the
  7. the / a / -- ,an

8. the / the / a

4 ZADANIE (15p)

  1. I am enjoying working here.
  2. What do you think of her painting.
  3. What are you thinking about ?
  4. Neil is always getting in people’s way.
  5. My voice is going.
  6. Mary and John are going to be married next weekend
  7. Paul has changed.
  8. I have been living here for thirty years.
  9. I have never eaten Chinese food before.
  10. Has anything / something happened ?
  11. Sue has left her dictionary at home.
  12. This is the first time Tony has been to Paris.
  13. I think it’s time to leave.
  14. I would prefer beer than wine.
  15. I would rather not to go to the meeting.

5. ZADANIE (12p)

  1. Whose best friend is Lucy?
  2. What did I tell her ?
  3. Where am I working ?
  4. What did I do / say for my class ?
  5. Who is the owner of this pub ?
  6. How had Lucy passed her exams?
  7. For whom do I always buy new books ?
  8. Where did Tom meet him ?
  9. When did Bjorn have his first speech ?
  10. Whom does he really hate?
  11. How long do we know each other ?

12. What are you ought to do ?

Opracowała : Marta Sawicz

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